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Ortodoncia, Implantes, Periodoncia, Blanqueamiento dental, Estética dental, Ortodoncia Invisible Invisalign

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Finance your treatment in easy installments

Dr. Juan Carlos Cadenas
Máster en Implantes y Máster en Ortodoncia

Clínica dental en Madrid, Clínica dental familiar, Clínica dental en Herrera Oria, LaComa, Peñagrande, Mirasierra
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Straightens teeth with virtually invisible, removable aligners that are custom-made to fit your teeth to ensure greater comfort.

As you change sets of aligners every two weeks, your teeth will gradually move, little by little, week by week, until they are in their final position.

It is comfortable, transparent and removable, so it transforms your smile without interfering with your daily life. More than 2.5 million people from all over the world have already discovered it.

Ortodoncia, Implantes, Periodoncia, Blanqueamiento dental, Estética dental, Ortodoncia Invisible Invisalign
Ortodoncia, Implantes, Periodoncia, Blanqueamiento dental, Estética dental, Ortodoncia Invisible Invisalign
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